50 deg C – here to stay..

India and many parts of the world are facing severe heat waves. Routinely, we are observing recorded temperatures much above 40 degrees Celsius.

Where is the problem? How to overcome this?

We need an ecological reset, perhaps a new social contract with nature. We may have to ask what human development means to us in the short and long term. Using technologies, quick-fix solutions can wash the eyes, not the dust inside them. Despite being an experimental physicist who likes to tinker with nature and is fascinated by machines, I am saying this.

Many proposed solutions to alleviate the problem of climate change are not sustainable. It is no longer just a question of science or technology deployment. We need a change in human behaviour on a large scale, and this includes governments, industries, and common people. Collective incoherence is the crux of the problem, and until we address it, we will see 50 deg C more often and in many places.

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